Last updated: 17/06/22

Terms of Use

Terms and Conditions of Use

By interacting with this website ( you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions:

By registering for this website you will become a (Member). This membership covers access to be able to email us and/or submit Reviews. You may receive emails pertaining to these services. By Registering you agree to all of this. If you want your details Erased then please Contact Us.


Before you go ahead with your Christmas Party Booking please read this:



We require a €500 non-refundable deposit per night booked to secure the date(s).  What is Non-Refundable? We are very flexible and if you end up with issues beyond your control we will, and have in all previous cases, refund your deposit. 

The Balance is payable 28 Days before the event (pay for minimum 10, then the rest can be paid by cash on the day if you are not sure of numbers). You may pay by bank transfer using your Date as your reference.


Minimum 10 Paid attendees. Adults Only.

There is a minimum charge for our services (10 paid attendees).


We are an Adults Only Venue. 18 Years Old and Over, Please.


We can sleep up to 28 people in yurts and cabins.

We will allocate your accommodation based upon the numbers attending. We request the need for your group to be out of your accommodation by 11am on the day of departure so it can be serviced, Please, and off site by 11:00 am, Please, and Thank You.


For the entertainment, you get transported to a local disco. Bus to and from disco is included in all packages. The Blackthorn is where the disco is currently held.

There are small speakers on site for your use with your ipod etc. There are noise restrictions from 11:30pm on site, but you will be at the Disco so it will not matter too much. The main restriction is, “No Amplified Music”. When you arrive back from the disco the campfire will be available for you to relax, chat, have a sing-song, then wind down into the dawn, unless you head to bed.


Food generally consists of: DINNER – Chicken curry and rice. BBQ Ribs or Chicken Wings, Homemade beef burgers and Sausages on the grill. Coleslaw, Green salad and Baby potatoes. (Vegetarian on request). BREAKFAST – Rashers, Sausages, Mushrooms, Beans, Eggs, Brown bread, Toast, Juice, Tea and Coffee. All with minor variations at times.

Coeliac Flour is used in the Burgers and the Chicken Curry.


Attend the campfire at your own risk. There are bench seats along both sides of the campfire. It is lit for you and then it is your responsibility to add more wood as you deem necessary. You may stay at the campfire all night if you wish to do so. There is a plentiful supply of firewood.


We are based in County Offaly just 6 minutes drive from the village of Daingean. The Grand Canal passes our entrance and it is a great asset to the local community. We are surrounded by bogs, fields, trees and rural idyll. Find us on this MAP.

View Location.


We have ample space to park your vehicles. It is as safe a place as the could possibly be but, we accept no responsibility for loss or damage when you are parked in our carpark. 


A 34 Seater bus is the largest bust that can turn on our premesis. 

Please do not bring Coaches as they will end up in peril.


Just let me know if you want to go ahead and book and I can send the bank details off to you with a booking number so you can pay the deposit at your convenience. Check for available dates here:

If you need more info please email, or phone Mike on: 0879119401, or text him with convenient times to call you back.

Dates are not guaranteed until deposit is paid. Please get back to me asap as dates can fill fast. Dates do fill fast.


Rules, Terms and Conditions are subject to change at any time. We reserve the right to cancel your booking if you have not understood the terms, conditions and the rules. Read our Rules.


  1. Definitions and Interpretation

In this Agreement the following terms shall have the following meanings:


means collectively the personal/identifying information, payment information and credentials used by Users to access parts of the Website and to create Listings;


means any text, graphics, images, audio, video, software, data compilations and any other form of information capable of being stored in a computer that appears on or forms part of this Website;


means a directory listing posted on the Website by a User which shall provide details of that User’s business including, but not limited to, contact details;

“Listed Business”

means any business which features in a Listing;

“Listing Fee”

means the fee payable to post a Listing;


means collectively any online facilities, tools, services or information that makes available through the Website either now or in the future;


means any online communications infrastructure that makes available through the Website either now or in the future.  This includes, but is not limited to, Listings, email addresses and online forms;

“User” / “Users”

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means the website that you are currently using ( and any sub-domains of this site unless expressly excluded by their own terms and conditions.

2. Intellectual Property

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This Website may contain links to other sites including, but not limited to, those of Listed Businesses.  Unless expressly stated, these sites are not under the control of or that of our affiliates.  We assume no responsibility for the content of such Websites and disclaim liability for any and all forms of loss or damage arising out of the use of them.  The inclusion of a link to another site on this Website does not imply any endorsement of the sites themselves or of those in control of them.

4. Listing on the Website

4.1          When submitting a Listing to the Website you should do so in accordance with the following rules:

4.1.10   Your Listing must be placed into the appropriate category and reserves the right to change this category should they deem another category to be more appropriate.

4.2          You acknowledge that or any of its editors shall screen, approve (or reject), edit and/or remove any Listing submitted to the Website.

4.3 may edit your Listing without prior consultation.  In cases of severe breaches of the provisions of sub-Clause 4.1, your Listing may be removed and your Account may be suspended or terminated.  You will be informed in writing of the reasons for any such alterations or removals.

4.4          In order to submit a Listing, you are required to submit certain personal details and/or business details.  By continuing to use this Website you represent and warrant that:

4.4.1     any information you submit is accurate and truthful; and

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4.5          By submitting a Listing you warrant and represent that you are the author of that Listing or that you have acquired all of the appropriate rights and / or permissions to submit it. accepts no responsibility or liability for any infringement of third party rights by such Listings or Content.

4.6 will not be liable in any way or under any circumstances for any loss or damage that you may incur as a result of such Listings, nor for any errors or omissions in Listings.  Use of and reliance upon Listings is entirely at your own risk.

5. Accounts and Listing Fees

5.1          In order to post a Listing on this Website you must create an Account which will contain certain personal details.  By creating an Account you represent and warrant that:

5.1.1     all information you submit is accurate and truthful; and

5.1.2     you will keep this information accurate and up-to-date.

5.3          A Listing Fee will be charged for each Listing you post on this Website.  Current listing fees can be obtained on

5.3.1 If you have opted to pay by Stripe your account will be billed at the time at which your listing goes live.

5.3.2 If you have opted to pay by invoice you will be sent a reminder 28 days before your renewal payment is due. Failure to pay the invoice before the renewal date may result in the  termination of your Listing

5.4          Your first payment will be at the price advertised at the time. reserve the right to change Listing Fees from time to time and any such changes may affect your recurring payments

5.4.1    Should an increase in price be necessary you will be notified 28 days prior to your renewal date of such an increase and have the option to cancel your Listing

5.6          If you terminate a Listing and/or your Account, your Listing(s) will be removed at the end of the paid term unless you request them to be removed sooner.

5.7         Listings which rejects in accordance with sub-Clause 4.1 shall not be charged for, or in the case that a payment has already been made the monies shall be returned in full.

6. Termination and/or Suspension

6.2          If terminates or suspends your Account as a result of your breach of these Terms and Conditions you may not be entitled to any refund.

7. Privacy

7.1       Use of the Website is also governed by our Cookie and Privacy Policy which is incorporated into these terms and conditions by this reference.

7.2       Save for the screening and approval of Listings, has neither control over, nor involvement in, any Listed Business and accepts no responsibility for any actions taken, or any goods or services provided, by any Listed Business.

7.3       Whilst every reasonable endeavour has been made to ensure that all information provided on this Website will be accurate and up to date, makes no warranty or representation that this is the case.  We make no guarantee of any specific results from the use of our services.

8. Availability of the Website and Modifications

8.1 accepts no liability for any disruption or non-availability of the Website resulting from external causes including, but not limited to, ISP equipment failure, host equipment failure, communications network failure, power failure, natural events, acts of war or legal restrictions and censorship.

8.2 reserves the right to alter, suspend or discontinue any part (or the whole of) the Website including, but not limited to, the products and/or services available.  These Terms and Conditions shall continue to apply to any modified version of the Website unless it is expressly stated otherwise.

If you have any questions about your listing you may contact us by email at